The first sin in the Garden of Eden was the first act of idolatry, the conception of all subsequent pantheism, 'We shall be as God..."
The cure for this was to place Israel under the commandment of the Torah, repositioning Humanity to fear God not its own power of choice. This established Israel on two levels. On the first level Israel is established as a family offshoot of the first Adam, and on the second level Israel is established as defined by God's word as a promise of blessing - that must and will overcome God's word as a curse of poverty and death upon all Humanity, including Israel.
Rabbi Nachman teaches that the Holy Language cannot be perfected without the Targum. This means that the aspect of Israel that is defined by the election of God does not replace the aspect of Israel that is goyish and defined by its identity in the first Adam but rather elevates that original nature.
Adam's sin was the origin of the concept of replacement theology, 'We will be the decision makers for the world instead of God'. But when God turned the relationship of parent/child on its head because of this, so that it became the seed, the offspring, of the woman which God said would crush the serpent and the parents then could only hope as two individuals in this promise made against the serpent, then the natural adamic mind began to elevate itself in the position of child against parent, desiring to be the replacement for the head of Humanity.
The cure for this was to place Israel under the commandment of the Torah, repositioning Humanity to fear God not its own power of choice. This established Israel on two levels. On the first level Israel is established as a family offshoot of the first Adam, and on the second level Israel is established as defined by God's word as a promise of blessing - that must and will overcome God's word as a curse of poverty and death upon all Humanity, including Israel.
Rabbi Nachman teaches that the Holy Language cannot be perfected without the Targum. This means that the aspect of Israel that is defined by the election of God does not replace the aspect of Israel that is goyish and defined by its identity in the first Adam but rather elevates that original nature.
Adam's sin was the origin of the concept of replacement theology, 'We will be the decision makers for the world instead of God'. But when God turned the relationship of parent/child on its head because of this, so that it became the seed, the offspring, of the woman which God said would crush the serpent and the parents then could only hope as two individuals in this promise made against the serpent, then the natural adamic mind began to elevate itself in the position of child against parent, desiring to be the replacement for the head of Humanity.