When Israel was blind to Y’shua, Y’shua did not blind himself to Israel, we can be assured that he continued to make his ruach/spirit available to all Israel, to all who hope in him as their ancestors hoped in him (Jn. 8:56), and that his ruach/spirit is not available only to that remnant which recognized or recognizes him.
If we believe that Yehoshua is the Master (Adon) and Messiah of Israel, we can be assured that he is present corporately with Israel in every generation by his ruach/spirit, even though Israel does not recognize him. When G-d called Abraham it was in a context where G-d’s only promise to the world was death and the only certainty was G-d’s curse, with only a hint of hope. The promise of the seed of the woman was not given to Adam and Eve but to the serpent as a promise against the serpent, so what did it mean to Adam and Eve?
When Adam and Eve were allowed to overhear the promise made by G-d against the serpent, it was made certain for them that they would not die without the serpent who deceived them also ending in death. And in this there was even the hint of hope for redemption. The promise of the rainbow to Noah was only the promise that G-d would not destroy the world by water, which told Noah that G-d was still thinking about ways to destroy the world. There was still only death. G-d’s word to Humanity was still only the curse of poverty and pain, the things that would lead to death. Then suddenly G-d gave a promise of blessing to Abraham. In this context where there the only word from G-d was death and a curse, G-d promised to bless Abraham and his offspring and to bless all the nations, all of Creation, through Abraham. This was good news! Soon after, G-d gave his mitzvoth of life to all Israel. This was good news! Every Jew is born and grows up in this good news as a promise.
The covenant of G-d with Abraham is certainly good news! The sign of that covenant, circumcision, is the sign of that good news! There was only the certainty of death, the anger and curse of the Creator, now there is the covenant of the promise of blessing and life given to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob for all! This is the incredible good news of the grace of G-d! There was only ignorance and darkness and provoking the wrath of G-d more and more, so that G-d was sorry that He had made Adam, now there was the way of life laid out through Moses line upon line, precept upon precept, for Israel. This was the awesome good news of the mercy and kindness of G-d! It is by this good news that every Jew is called by birth to become an eternal Jew, called to life, called to be redeemed and become a vessel of redemption for the nations, for all Creation, a vessel of the spreading of the good news of G-d’s promise to Abraham.
This is why when Israel heard the message about Yehoshua their were Jews who recognized that this was good news. It was the good news that they had always heard, heard by virtue of being Jews, heard by virtue of having the Torah as their gift from G-d. The message of Yehoshua to those who had ears to hear it was the good news that the blessing of Abraham that had been flowing in partial measure was now flowing in the form of a great river that would one day become a great flood! Good News, indeed!