The Ramban says that Yehoshua could not be the Messiah because the the Anointed One is one who is ruling over Israel - which means that Israel is redeemed from captivity through him, as when Moses was king over Israel as God's redeemer of Israel from Egypt. And Israel is not yet redeemed from captivity.
In the Book of Acts, Yehoshua's disciple, Kefa, (Peter), said that through his resurrection God had anointed Yehoshua. This distinction means everything. Indeed, the message of the death and resurrection of Yehoshua means that there is not and never will be a Messiah of Israel who rules according to the order of this world. But there is a Messiah of Israel. Since Yehoshua is made Messiah of Israel, the anointed Lord and King of Israel, as Kefa said, then Israel itself is re-created, and if it were not so there would be no good news at all.
Does this mean that Israel is to be brought back from captivity only in the sense of being brought into the realm of the World to Come through the death and resurrection of her Messiah, but is not to be fully restored by her Messiah literally in her land? Not at all. It means that the power of the World to Come is the power that brings Israel out of the nations, and the power of the World to Come cannot be resisted. When she is fully in her Land of Testimony she will bear witness to the truth of her deliverance from captivity to all the powers of This World through the power of The World To Come.
Then it will be known and seen by all that it was and is Yehoshua, Israel's Messiah, who brought the power of the World to Come into This World to save Israel.
Therefore, if anyone believes the Good News of the Bible they are believing that Israel as they see Israel with their own eyes, as Israel appears to the natural understanding of this world, is not Israel as God sees Israel through Yehoshua her Messiah. Before this Good News, every motion of Israel was the dialogue of God with the family of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob drawing toward the death and resurrection of Yehoshua, Israel's Messiah. Now, since this Good News, every motion of Israel draws Israel into the Holy Spirit of God and Israel is continually transformed in God through Yehoshua's death and resurrection, though this transformation is as hidden as Yehoshua himself in spiritual places.
Nothing that an individual Israelite does is in isolation. Rather, it is always an action of Torah Israel, Torah in death and Torah in resurrection power, in and through the death and resurrection of her Messiah. What if some individuals in Israel do not trust in him? Did Joseph's brothers trust in him? Yet he testified that God sent him down into Egypt in order to save them alive. It is not Israel's choosing him but his choosing Israel that brings the power of the World to Come into this world.
So also, as it was with Joseph and the Egyptians and other nations who benefited from his actions to save Israel, so it is with any gentile grafted into Israel through Messianic faith. Anyone believing in him is now eternal in all motions of life - all motions of their lives pass through the death and resurrection of the Messiah of Israel. For their resurrection, when they shall be perfect toward him in all ways of faith and conduct, is yet to come, but their salvation cannot come from this. All salvation comes alone from the perfect love and faith and conduct of Messiah toward Israel. This alone brings joy to God. There is no other salvation than God's joy.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
The Harvest of The Goyim
Everything Shaul (Paul) did and said was about the work of planting and harvesting a testimony among the nations, a testimony that the promise made by God to Abraham has been fulfilled in Yehoshua (Jesus) the Messiah. All of this work is now about to be finished.
When it is finished there will be no more adversity coming to the Jew in the name of Christianity. There will no longer be an anti-Semitic Christianity in the world. Instead, it will be acknowledged by everyone who has any interest in Yehoshua (Jesus) at all that he was claimed only to be a Jew of the tribe of Judah of the line of David. He was not reported by anyone to be of the tribe of Benjamin, for example, nor of Levi, nor of any other tribe or people. If he was Messiah he was the promised Messiah of the Jews, not of the Romans, not of the Persians, not of the Arabs nor others. When the work of the testimony among the Goyim, (the nations), is finished everyone, friend and foe, will admit to the importance and truth of this.
It will be admitted by all that if he was the promised Messiah he was giving new revelation to the promise of the Messiah in Israel. He was revealing himself as a Messiah who would be rejected and would freely lay down his life, rather than forcing himself on his beloved bride, Jerusalem. It will be admitted by all that if he is the Messiah he gave himself over to death in order that God might keep His promise to Abraham, the promise He made by covenant with Abraham.
It will be agreed that if he is the Messiah he is the Messiah because he was sent by God to be the Prophet like unto Moses to lead Israel into the perfection of obedience to the Torah. It will be acknowledged that if he is the Messiah he is the Messiah because when he was rejected by his own, rather than condemning his people for rejecting him and his Father who sent him he laid down his life. It will be recognized that if he laid down his life, he laid down his life freely in an act of eternal justification and forgiveness toward Israel. And then the testimony will be clear that he did this in order that God might keep and fulfill His covenant with Abraham, to bless him and his family and all the nations of the earth through him.
It will be admitted by all that if he is the Messiah he will come again to his own when his own are prepared to receive him. For this is truly the Good News of Israel and Her Messiah, the corporate salvation in heavenly places of God's chosen nation, through Yehoshua, her Messiah and Redeemer.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Scent Essence of Jerusalem
Jesus/Yeshua/Yehoshua did not separate himself from Israel. For the sake of the world learning the nature of his faithfulness he has endured for a long time all efforts to separate him from Israel. He will not allow these efforts to continue forever. Soon he will make all the world to know that no one can call him Christ/Messiah/Mashiach before the Father who seeks to separate him from Israel. But anyone who has done so who has not known what they were doing will be forgiven."
Read More Posts There
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Matthew 5:25 Come to Terms Quickly
In the Torah, for a judge to rule and then set aside the rule and mediate is a dishonor to the law.
Matthew 5:25 Come to terms quickly with your opponent while you are on the way to court, or your opponent may hand you over to the judge, and the judge to the guard, and you will be thrown into prison.
26 Truly I tell you, you will not get out of there until you pay back the last penny!” ISV
Why does Yahoshua teach this? Does he seek to warn us against the Courts of the Torah? Rather, he teaches one and the same thing as when he says that The Torah must be upheld in all until the world is no more - and then it will remain but there will be no more need of courts - for all will live within its ways forever.
In Sanhedrin 6b the emphasis is on the virtual blaspheme of a judge who would set aside a ruling after it is given to find a compromise. In Yahoshua's teaching the way of peace through volunteer effort at settlement is contrasted to the peace which comes by settlement through the strict justice of the court. Furthermore, negotiated or mediated settlement is placed where it belongs in the preferable place, as in the new covenant as foretold by Jeremiah when all will make peace with one another willingly from the new Godly heart - but it is given this preferred place only when pursued before the case goes to court. After that there is according to Yahoshua and according to the Talmud, no going back. For it is not possible that the Torah be dishonored.
Matthew 5:25 Come to terms quickly with your opponent while you are on the way to court, or your opponent may hand you over to the judge, and the judge to the guard, and you will be thrown into prison.
26 Truly I tell you, you will not get out of there until you pay back the last penny!” ISV
Why does Yahoshua teach this? Does he seek to warn us against the Courts of the Torah? Rather, he teaches one and the same thing as when he says that The Torah must be upheld in all until the world is no more - and then it will remain but there will be no more need of courts - for all will live within its ways forever.
In Sanhedrin 6b the emphasis is on the virtual blaspheme of a judge who would set aside a ruling after it is given to find a compromise. In Yahoshua's teaching the way of peace through volunteer effort at settlement is contrasted to the peace which comes by settlement through the strict justice of the court. Furthermore, negotiated or mediated settlement is placed where it belongs in the preferable place, as in the new covenant as foretold by Jeremiah when all will make peace with one another willingly from the new Godly heart - but it is given this preferred place only when pursued before the case goes to court. After that there is according to Yahoshua and according to the Talmud, no going back. For it is not possible that the Torah be dishonored.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
The Straight Gate
For the gate of the point of the Law that opens into the World To Come can only be opened from the side of the World To Come.
Now the antinomian says, If it is true that only the Son of Adam can open the gate into the World To Come, and if it is true that gate into the World To Come must be opened from that side, then all that they do who labor to establish righteousness at every point of the Law they do in vain. But the truth is that the gate into the World To Come is straight and the way unto it is narrow, like a narrow bridge that crosses over the sin of This World and is not defiled by it. Every point of openness in the Law of God is only a point of openness for the sake of presenting a lesson in repentance for Adam, and the lessons of repentance for Adam would be infinite and endless were it not for the knowledge of the soul of the Son of Adam. For only by the knowledge of the soul of the Son of Adam can all the lessons of repentance in every moment of question and searching in the Law of God be gathered into one lesson that has a beginning and an end.
Thus every point of openness and question in the Law must be decided and every lesson of repentance for Adam must be learned. And all must be learned according to the measure of the knowledge of the soul of the Son of Adam.
Until Adam's lessons of repentance are all learned according to the measure of the knowledge of the soul of the Son of Adam the Son of Adam will not open fully the gate into the World To Come. For until that time Adam will not be ready and prepared to find it. Should Adam enter through that gate to eat of the Tree of Life before their corporate repentance was complete, before it had completely prepared them for the judgment of Truth, they would not find that Tree to be life to them but would find it to be eternal destruction.
Antinominanism therefore is found to be the evil inclination in Adam toward resisting repentance, and those who fight in the end for antinomianism are found to be fighting against the soul of the Son of Adam.
Therefore, to straighten the way for Adam on the left hand and to straighten the way for Adam on the right hand, the Son of Adam elevates the lowest sinner from the dunghill to the place of the Temple mount, but he does not cause them to enter into the Temple immediately but causes them to wait there. He does this in order that the truth of God's glorious grace is magnified in Israel, lest the wisdom of those who are wise in the lessons of Adam's corporate repentance is over magnified in the last days. Nevertheless, he does not allow those whom he raises up by the demonstration of God's grace alone to the exalted hights of the Temple mount to enter immediately into the Temple but causes them to wait at the wall of the gate until those who come up through all the points of repentance in the Law arrive and become their teachers and receive from them the charity of a share in the gift that has been given to them. For, "the first shall be last and the last shall be first," and only then when all the souls of Adam have become one in one school will the soul of Adam be measured according to the soul of the Son of Adam and be prepared in repentance for the full opening of the gate into the World To Come.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Ruling on Bleeding
"It once happened that due to the great demand the price of pairs of birds rose in Jerusalem until it stood at the level of gold dinars. Rabban Shimon Ben Gamliel declared, 'I shall not sleep until pairs of birds are sold for silver dinars. I swear it by the Temple.'
Thereupon he entered the court and taught the following law: A woman who was liable to bring pairs of birds for five definite cases of childbirth or five definite cases of zivah must bring one pair of birds for a sacrifice and may thereafter eat of offerings, and the remaining four offerings are not incumbent upon her. And that very day the price of pairs of birds dropped and stood at a quarter of a silver dinar, which, some say, was one hundredth of the original price." [Adapted from ArtScroll Schottenstein ed. BT Bava Basra 166a]
Now understand this as a ruling of Rabban Shimon Ben Gamliel on bleeding. In this he testified that the tears of the daughters of Israel should yet be dried for the kingdom of heaven was at hand. How can this be known?
To Adam it was said: "In the day that you eat thereof..." Thus, in that it was said, "in the day," there was time given for bleeding, and time given for bleeding is time given for prayer. And the offerings of the Temple are the offerings prescribed by the Torah for the prayer of Israel in this day of bleeding. Therefore if through inflation prayer and offerings were being brought to nothing the bleeding also of the daughters of Israel was for nothing.
If the bleeding of the daughters of Israel was for nothing then we can see by means of a holiness of spirit through the ruling of Rabban Shimon Ben Gamliel that all hope in the word of G-d was gone. We see that for this reason with the sword of his ruling he slew the dragon of inflation.
And we have learned from the texts of the Good News of Israel and Her Messiah which are hidden in plain sight:
"As Yahoshua went, the people pressed around him. And there was a woman who had had a discharge of blood for twelve years, and though she had spent all her living on physicians, she could not be healed by anyone. She came up behind him and touched the fringe of his garment, and immediately her discharge of blood ceased.
And Yahoshua said, 'Who was it that touched me?' When all denied it, Kefa said, 'Master, the crowds surround you and are pressing in on you!' But Yahoshua said, 'Someone touched me, for I perceive that power has gone out from me'.
And when the woman saw that she was not hidden, she came trembling, and falling down before him declared in the presence of all the people why she had touched him, and how she had been immediately healed. And he said to her, 'Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace'." [From Luke 8]
Now I speak to those who know the Torah. Here is the light of understanding that radiates from this story when we place it in the setting of the story of Rabban Shimon Gamliel's ruling concerning the price of two birds in Jerusalem:
In Yahoshua the shedding of the blood of the daughters of Israel is consummated. Through him the eternal prayer of Israel is heard.
Thereupon he entered the court and taught the following law: A woman who was liable to bring pairs of birds for five definite cases of childbirth or five definite cases of zivah must bring one pair of birds for a sacrifice and may thereafter eat of offerings, and the remaining four offerings are not incumbent upon her. And that very day the price of pairs of birds dropped and stood at a quarter of a silver dinar, which, some say, was one hundredth of the original price." [Adapted from ArtScroll Schottenstein ed. BT Bava Basra 166a]
Now understand this as a ruling of Rabban Shimon Ben Gamliel on bleeding. In this he testified that the tears of the daughters of Israel should yet be dried for the kingdom of heaven was at hand. How can this be known?
To Adam it was said: "In the day that you eat thereof..." Thus, in that it was said, "in the day," there was time given for bleeding, and time given for bleeding is time given for prayer. And the offerings of the Temple are the offerings prescribed by the Torah for the prayer of Israel in this day of bleeding. Therefore if through inflation prayer and offerings were being brought to nothing the bleeding also of the daughters of Israel was for nothing.
If the bleeding of the daughters of Israel was for nothing then we can see by means of a holiness of spirit through the ruling of Rabban Shimon Ben Gamliel that all hope in the word of G-d was gone. We see that for this reason with the sword of his ruling he slew the dragon of inflation.
And we have learned from the texts of the Good News of Israel and Her Messiah which are hidden in plain sight:
"As Yahoshua went, the people pressed around him. And there was a woman who had had a discharge of blood for twelve years, and though she had spent all her living on physicians, she could not be healed by anyone. She came up behind him and touched the fringe of his garment, and immediately her discharge of blood ceased.
And Yahoshua said, 'Who was it that touched me?' When all denied it, Kefa said, 'Master, the crowds surround you and are pressing in on you!' But Yahoshua said, 'Someone touched me, for I perceive that power has gone out from me'.
And when the woman saw that she was not hidden, she came trembling, and falling down before him declared in the presence of all the people why she had touched him, and how she had been immediately healed. And he said to her, 'Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace'." [From Luke 8]
Now I speak to those who know the Torah. Here is the light of understanding that radiates from this story when we place it in the setting of the story of Rabban Shimon Gamliel's ruling concerning the price of two birds in Jerusalem:
In Yahoshua the shedding of the blood of the daughters of Israel is consummated. Through him the eternal prayer of Israel is heard.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
See Update On Obadiah post
See this critical update on the book of Obadiah, who prophesied against Edom and against the nations of the age of the Holocaust. Read here
Monday, March 1, 2010
Did Israel Reject Joseph?
Did Israel reject Joseph? No. Only certain of his brothers rejected him, and some, Reuben and Judah, for instance, were a remnant among the brothers to testify to the love and trust of their father's heart toward Joseph, though they too, personally, may have doubted him.
Joseph is sold by his bothers WikipediaFor why did his brothers reject him? It was on account of their perception of his replacement theology. For they saw him as putting himself above even his father and his mother. Such would be a violation of the covenant that God made with Abraham, the promise he gave also to Isaac and Jacob alone.
With a righteous indignation Joseph's brothers were offended by him. Of being a mere "Dreamer" they accused him. Should one's dreams outweigh the very word, the very covenant, of God? But in this judgment of Joseph as being an heretic and guilty of the invention of replacement theology his brothers understood neither his dreams nor their father's trust in Joseph.
Jacob blessing Ephraim and Manasseh Wikipedia
For Joseph did not dream of his exaltation above them and above his father and mother in a dream of life but in a dream of death. Therefore his brothers, in their ignorance of this, fulfilled the very words of God in covenant with Abraham. For Egypt would be a parable of death for Israel. And it would be in the fulfilling of this justice of God's sentence upon Adam that Joseph would rule over all his father's household. And it would be in all Israel's repentance toward the heart of their fathers that Joseph and his brothers would reign as one together over the world in their redemption from Egypt, a parable of life.
For the promise that he should be the heir of the world was not made to Abraham to be fulfilled in This World but in the resurrection of the dead.
With a righteous indignation Joseph's brothers were offended by him. Of being a mere "Dreamer" they accused him. Should one's dreams outweigh the very word, the very covenant, of God? But in this judgment of Joseph as being an heretic and guilty of the invention of replacement theology his brothers understood neither his dreams nor their father's trust in Joseph.
For Joseph did not dream of his exaltation above them and above his father and mother in a dream of life but in a dream of death. Therefore his brothers, in their ignorance of this, fulfilled the very words of God in covenant with Abraham. For Egypt would be a parable of death for Israel. And it would be in the fulfilling of this justice of God's sentence upon Adam that Joseph would rule over all his father's household. And it would be in all Israel's repentance toward the heart of their fathers that Joseph and his brothers would reign as one together over the world in their redemption from Egypt, a parable of life.
For the promise that he should be the heir of the world was not made to Abraham to be fulfilled in This World but in the resurrection of the dead.
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