The Ramban says that Yehoshua could not be the Messiah because the the Anointed One is one who is ruling over Israel - which means that Israel is redeemed from captivity through him, as when Moses was king over Israel as God's redeemer of Israel from Egypt. And Israel is not yet redeemed from captivity.
In the Book of Acts, Yehoshua's disciple, Kefa, (Peter), said that through his resurrection God had anointed Yehoshua. This distinction means everything. Indeed, the message of the death and resurrection of Yehoshua means that there is not and never will be a Messiah of Israel who rules according to the order of this world. But there is a Messiah of Israel. Since Yehoshua is made Messiah of Israel, the anointed Lord and King of Israel, as Kefa said, then Israel itself is re-created, and if it were not so there would be no good news at all.
Does this mean that Israel is to be brought back from captivity only in the sense of being brought into the realm of the World to Come through the death and resurrection of her Messiah, but is not to be fully restored by her Messiah literally in her land? Not at all. It means that the power of the World to Come is the power that brings Israel out of the nations, and the power of the World to Come cannot be resisted. When she is fully in her Land of Testimony she will bear witness to the truth of her deliverance from captivity to all the powers of This World through the power of The World To Come.
Then it will be known and seen by all that it was and is Yehoshua, Israel's Messiah, who brought the power of the World to Come into This World to save Israel.
Therefore, if anyone believes the Good News of the Bible they are believing that Israel as they see Israel with their own eyes, as Israel appears to the natural understanding of this world, is not Israel as God sees Israel through Yehoshua her Messiah. Before this Good News, every motion of Israel was the dialogue of God with the family of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob drawing toward the death and resurrection of Yehoshua, Israel's Messiah. Now, since this Good News, every motion of Israel draws Israel into the Holy Spirit of God and Israel is continually transformed in God through Yehoshua's death and resurrection, though this transformation is as hidden as Yehoshua himself in spiritual places.
Nothing that an individual Israelite does is in isolation. Rather, it is always an action of Torah Israel, Torah in death and Torah in resurrection power, in and through the death and resurrection of her Messiah. What if some individuals in Israel do not trust in him? Did Joseph's brothers trust in him? Yet he testified that God sent him down into Egypt in order to save them alive. It is not Israel's choosing him but his choosing Israel that brings the power of the World to Come into this world.
So also, as it was with Joseph and the Egyptians and other nations who benefited from his actions to save Israel, so it is with any gentile grafted into Israel through Messianic faith. Anyone believing in him is now eternal in all motions of life - all motions of their lives pass through the death and resurrection of the Messiah of Israel. For their resurrection, when they shall be perfect toward him in all ways of faith and conduct, is yet to come, but their salvation cannot come from this. All salvation comes alone from the perfect love and faith and conduct of Messiah toward Israel. This alone brings joy to God. There is no other salvation than God's joy.