Psalms 72
(Text translation and commentary quotations from ArtScroll.)
Verse 1. For Solomon. O God, Your judgments to the king - do give and Your righteousness to the prince.
"Messiah is referred to as 'Solomoh', which means, 'Peace is his.' (Radak)
"According to Rashi, David asks that any harsh divine judgment to be meted out to his family be inflicted directly upon him, the king. Thus, David's son, Solomon, the son of the king, would enjoy righteousness..."
(From a previous paragraph) "Thus God, Your judgment to the (first) king - do give; but that the king's son, who has inherited a stable, secure throne, can...afford to show clemency and compassion. Thus, grant Your righteousness (and spirit of mercy) to the son of the king."
(From a still previous paragraph) "It is insufficient for a king to base his ruling solely on a rigid code of law. The responsible magistrate should temper justice with mercy and should help the litigants to fulfill the requirements of the law. (Rashi; Zerah Yaakov)
Notice! In these statements we have an exposition of this first verse of Psalms 72 that allows us to learn from this verse the reconciliation of the two understandings of Isaiah 53. The prayer of David concerning himself as king and the establishment of the kingdom (with strict justice shown upon him, not his son) is the aspect of Israel suffering as the People of God and the servant of God among the nations for the sake of the correction and edification of the nations through mercy. And it is also the aspect of Mashiach suffering all strict judgment in order that Israel might be corrected and edified from its own goyish origin and inclination, as it serves G-d in the process of edifying the nations.
This is the secret or mystery of G-d, as spoken of in Revelation chapter ten, the secret of Judah bringing mercy to Joseph in Egypt and ths receiving mercy by the mercy of G-d shown to Joseph! Thus it will be that when Mashiach comes he will come as the Moshe of Shalom, Solomoh, ruling with shalom over Israel in her land and over Egypt in her land.
(Text translation and commentary quotations from ArtScroll.)
Verse 1. For Solomon. O God, Your judgments to the king - do give and Your righteousness to the prince.
"Messiah is referred to as 'Solomoh', which means, 'Peace is his.' (Radak)
"According to Rashi, David asks that any harsh divine judgment to be meted out to his family be inflicted directly upon him, the king. Thus, David's son, Solomon, the son of the king, would enjoy righteousness..."
(From a previous paragraph) "Thus God, Your judgment to the (first) king - do give; but that the king's son, who has inherited a stable, secure throne, can...afford to show clemency and compassion. Thus, grant Your righteousness (and spirit of mercy) to the son of the king."
(From a still previous paragraph) "It is insufficient for a king to base his ruling solely on a rigid code of law. The responsible magistrate should temper justice with mercy and should help the litigants to fulfill the requirements of the law. (Rashi; Zerah Yaakov)
Notice! In these statements we have an exposition of this first verse of Psalms 72 that allows us to learn from this verse the reconciliation of the two understandings of Isaiah 53. The prayer of David concerning himself as king and the establishment of the kingdom (with strict justice shown upon him, not his son) is the aspect of Israel suffering as the People of God and the servant of God among the nations for the sake of the correction and edification of the nations through mercy. And it is also the aspect of Mashiach suffering all strict judgment in order that Israel might be corrected and edified from its own goyish origin and inclination, as it serves G-d in the process of edifying the nations.
This is the secret or mystery of G-d, as spoken of in Revelation chapter ten, the secret of Judah bringing mercy to Joseph in Egypt and ths receiving mercy by the mercy of G-d shown to Joseph! Thus it will be that when Mashiach comes he will come as the Moshe of Shalom, Solomoh, ruling with shalom over Israel in her land and over Egypt in her land.
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