G-d's commandment of the firstborn, of the Levite, of the Tabernacle, etc., is Israel. This means G-d's commandment to temporal Israel is to become eternal Israel. This is to say, The commandment brings Israel to G-d, and so, in coming to G-d by the commandment, Israel is Israel - brings Israel to G-d, that is, in accordance, in each commandment, with the "permitted purpose of Adam's existence," and so Israel is Israel. In this principle of the commandment bringing Israel to G-d and to herself, the commandment of the firstborn, and those commandments associated with it, can be fulfilled completely by Israel only together with Mashiach. See ArtScroll Interlinear Bamidbar p.9 nt. 51 > also, as per reference there, Menchos 27b.
This is the meaning of corporate Israel, which is to say, Adam according to the design of G-d, which allows relationship with G-d in a manner which sustains and does not destroy Adam. For if it were not for Adam being defined by G-d's mercy and judgment in Mashiach, the Son of Adam, Adam would be destroyed on account of the action of sin. According to this re-definition of Adam is the corporate redemption of Adam, that is to say, the corporate redemption of Israel through/in/by Yehoshua HaMashiach. "In this way God loved the world..." John 3:16. Every specification of the Torah is established in him. When anyone begins to think that they replace the Torah they immediately lose all true understanding and leave themselves and all who follow them with no hope except the non-expressible grace of G-d. And concerning this prospect for the nations, the gentiles, as we say, we have an example of this, for if they are cut off a second time there is no assurance, and the only hope left is the non-expressible grace of God. Romans 11:21-24. But now the grace of G-d is expressed for all the world to understand, for all who would hear. It is expressed in Yehoshua's laying down his life to save Israel from all humiliation. And just as he laid down his life to do this, so he took it up again by the commandment of his Father in heaven as the demonstration of the power given him to lead all Israel into victory over the fear and love of Egypt, the fear and love of Babyon, Persia, Greece and Rome in their hearts.
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