Sunday, February 21, 2016

There Must Be A Corporate Death Before The Resurrection

My work is the service of the salvation of Israel through the death and resurrection of Yehoshua her Mashiach, through which all works of the Torah are accepted by God and without which no works of the Torah can be accepted by God.

For in Adam all die, and the Israelite is not delivered from the fatherhood of Adam to the fatherhood of Abraham completely by the promise of the covenant alone.  Rather, the covenant must be fulfilled.  And how can it be fulfilled unless it is fulfilled corporately?  All must die corporately in Adam and not only individually, for this is the sentence of God, the Creator of Adam.  

The individual’s death cannot atone for their soul without the death of the encompassing soul of Adam in which each and all individual souls of the children of Adam were created.  Yet in the death of the corporate soul, the encompassing soul of Adam, there is no promise of the resurrection of the dead.  This hope of resurrection was given to another by covenant from God, to Abraham and his offspring.  It is this covenant that cannot realize its promise unless it is fulfilled.  Only when one came and prayed for the forgiveness of all the seed of Abraham, making even his own lifeblood and offering of prayer for them, could it be that it was possible that God, the Creator of Adam, chose to anoint this Master of Prayer as the new corporate soul of Adam, both in death and in resurrection from the dead.  

For, on account of this prayer, God accepted the death of this soul descended from Abraham, as being not just an individual death but a corporate death.  For this death, representative of the death of Israel, was in accordance with the covenant word of God, made to be a consequence of Adam’s sin.  

In accepting this God was removing Adam from the position of representing all humanity, and was anointing, through a new creation of redemption, the one who prayed for all the offspring of Abraham as the corporate representative of humanity in Adam’s place.  In this covenant of God it was, therefore, possible that there should be a promise of the resurrection of the dead.  And because it was the promise that God gave to Abraham, to Issac and to Jacob, God raised Yehoshua from the dead to inherit eternal life, as the first among all the offspring of Abraham.

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I, HASHEM, have not changed, and you, Sons of Jacob, have not become extinct. MALACHI 3:6