Saturday, February 14, 2009

Let The Name

Let the name
of the God of Israel be heard
parting the sea of war
dividing the waters of fear
splitting the waves of death
opening the door that no one can shut
and shutting the door that no one can open
for the highway of peace to pass through
for the crippled spirit to cross over
for the aborted soul to walk upon
for the prisoners of pride to march to freedom on
for the martyrs of truth to dance upon
for the lost among the waste heaps of empires
to be found upon
for the meek before their Creator
to be enthroned as nobles upon
for the lonely from sin
to be enraptured in righteousness upon
for the guardians of the heavens
to return home upon
to lead little children to their Father's chest
to give the stars their rest
to make the God of Israel known by all forever
world without end

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I, HASHEM, have not changed, and you, Sons of Jacob, have not become extinct. MALACHI 3:6