The reason that there is truth and goodness in Christianity is because all the things that its replacement theology has always said about Israel and the relationship of Jesus - Yehoshua - and Israel are not true.
God's Good News to the nations is not that some individual Jews received His anointed one. His Good News is that his anointed one came to his own as he was sent to them by their God and did not forsake them in death, but gave new life and salvation to his people, his nation, Israel, through his resurrection from the dead. This is God's Good News! And this Yehoshua demonstrated by sharing his own power of obedience to their God with that portion of Jews who then began to receive him. This is God's Good News to the nations, even as it is His Good News to Israel.
This now is how Israel can obey their God, with the power of the Messiah's resurrection from the dead. And this now is how the nations can obey the God of Israel, by repenting of going their own way and thinking their own thoughts, by instead believing this Good News about Israel and her Messiah, and turning toward her and joining with her, supporting her in her new resurrection power of Torah obedience.
Accordingly, because Jesus - Yehoshua - did not bring a judgment of rejection upon Israel, upon the nation of his own people, (for it was not possible that the natural mind of human beings should be able to receive the revelation of the new creation of God), there is truth and goodness within Christianity, (as the faith of those gentiles who have heard and responded to God's Good News for Israel has come to be called). And this is despite the fact that Christianity as an organization has come to teach replacement theology, replacing the whole of Israel, in their mistaken understanding, with the part, the part which those who teach replacement theology see as their own foundation.
Because the opposite of what is taught in replacement theology is true and replacement theology is false, because salvation was accomplished by Yehoshua for the whole of Israel, even the sin and error of replacement theology which is found in Christianity cannot take away the truth and goodness of Yehoshua which is found there and Christians can be forgiven for the error of replacement theology. For replacement theology shall fall away and be forgotten and only the beauty of the truth and goodness of Christianity shall remain, having been preserved by the glory of God's grace and love toward Israel.
See part two of this posting here:

God's Good News to the nations is not that some individual Jews received His anointed one. His Good News is that his anointed one came to his own as he was sent to them by their God and did not forsake them in death, but gave new life and salvation to his people, his nation, Israel, through his resurrection from the dead. This is God's Good News! And this Yehoshua demonstrated by sharing his own power of obedience to their God with that portion of Jews who then began to receive him. This is God's Good News to the nations, even as it is His Good News to Israel.
This now is how Israel can obey their God, with the power of the Messiah's resurrection from the dead. And this now is how the nations can obey the God of Israel, by repenting of going their own way and thinking their own thoughts, by instead believing this Good News about Israel and her Messiah, and turning toward her and joining with her, supporting her in her new resurrection power of Torah obedience.
Accordingly, because Jesus - Yehoshua - did not bring a judgment of rejection upon Israel, upon the nation of his own people, (for it was not possible that the natural mind of human beings should be able to receive the revelation of the new creation of God), there is truth and goodness within Christianity, (as the faith of those gentiles who have heard and responded to God's Good News for Israel has come to be called). And this is despite the fact that Christianity as an organization has come to teach replacement theology, replacing the whole of Israel, in their mistaken understanding, with the part, the part which those who teach replacement theology see as their own foundation.
Because the opposite of what is taught in replacement theology is true and replacement theology is false, because salvation was accomplished by Yehoshua for the whole of Israel, even the sin and error of replacement theology which is found in Christianity cannot take away the truth and goodness of Yehoshua which is found there and Christians can be forgiven for the error of replacement theology. For replacement theology shall fall away and be forgotten and only the beauty of the truth and goodness of Christianity shall remain, having been preserved by the glory of God's grace and love toward Israel.
See part two of this posting here:
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