Saturday, August 8, 2009

Poetic Commentary on Yehoshua's Prayer

Our Father who is in heaven - Israel's Father, our Father, who is in the Heaven of heavens alone,

hollowed be your name - Re-create our heart and lips with your name.

your kingdom come - Lift your kingdom, your daughter, up into your arms, your warm embrace.

your will be done on earth as it is in heaven - Flood the earth with the knowledge of your name and with those who do your will, as it is in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread - Give us again today a share of your existence, for we can create no existence on our own.

And forgive us our debts - Forgive us the debts we owe to your Life-Giving Word, even those damages caused by the wind of our wings, as we forgive the debts that are owed by others to us.

And lead us not into temptation - for, even if we take one step without your Presence, light itself becomes a temptation to us.

But deliver us from evil - Deliver us from ourselves, for, without your Presence, we always turn the wrong way and fall into evil.

I, HASHEM, have not changed, and you, Sons of Jacob, have not become extinct. MALACHI 3:6