Friday, September 25, 2015

On Israel's Salvation

All salvation is Israel's salvation. The salvation of all the families of the earth is through Israel’s salvation and belongs to Israel’s salvation. In you and in your offspring, God said to Avraham, will all the families of the earth be blessed.

In the cursed world of Adam, where all are under the sentence of death, there is no other blessing than the blessing of salvation. Any blessing which does not remove the curse, which begins as a blessing of wealth or health or happiness but ends in the curse and death, such a blessing was surely never a blessing to begin with. At best it was only a whisper, a hint, that true blessing, blessing that does remove the curse might be possible.

In the cursed world of Adam, where all are under the sentence of death, there is no other blessing than the blessing that God promised to Israel. There is no other blessing than the salvation of Israel which is a true blessing and from which all true blessings come. There is no redemption of Adam that is not simply the redemption of Israel, according to the Scriptures.

I, HASHEM, have not changed, and you, Sons of Jacob, have not become extinct. MALACHI 3:6